lab02 : C++ Big-Three Review: Constructor, Destructor, Assignment Operator

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lab02 true C++ Big-Three Review: Constructor, Destructor, Assignment Operator Thu 04/16 08:00AM Wed 04/22 11:59PM


By the end of this lab, given a description of a class containing data members that point to structures on the heap, you will be able to:

Step by Step

Step 0: Getting Started

This lab may be done solo, or in pairs.

Before you begin working on the lab, please decide if you will work solo or with a partner.

As stated in previous labs, there are a few requirements you must follow if you decide to work with a partner. I will re-iterate them here:

Once you and your partner are in agreement, choose an initial driver and navigator, and have the driver log into their account.

Step 1: Copying some files from my directory

Visit the following web link—you may want to use “right click” (or “control-click” on Mac) to bring up a window where you can open this in a new window or tab:

You should see a listing of several C++ files. We are going to copy those into your local lab02 github repo directory all at once with the following command:

cp ~richert/public_html/cs32/misc/lab02/* ~/cs32/[YOUR_LAB02_GITHUB_DIRECTORY]

You should now see several files in your directory—the same ones that you see if you visit the link

If so, you are ready to move on.

If you don’t see those files, go back through the instructions and make sure you didn’t miss a step. If you still have trouble, ask your TA / tutors for assistance.

Its now time to use the git-command line tools to perform version control for the files in your git repo. The four essential commands we will be using are:

git pull
git add .
git commit -m "Initial version of lab02 files"
git push origin master

Go ahead and type them out on a terminal in your git repo directory. The above commands save a snapshot of your code on github. To check that this was done sucessfully open a web-browser and navigate to your repo on github. Then check to see that the starter code appears in your repo.

Note: Every time you add a new piece of logic to your code, you should save a snapshot of the latest version of your code by issuing the commands: git add … , git commit … and git push …. All the previous versions will be available to you as well and you have the option of reverting to older versions (We will see how in later labs). As you go through the rest of this lab you will essentially need to use these commands to keep track of the different versions of your code. Note that you should only keep relevant files in your repo - avoid uploading non-important LARGE files in your repo since this may cause errors when making your submission to Gradescope.

Congratulations on integrating git into your workflow!

Step 2 Getting the code to pass the tests

In this week’s lab, you have the following files:

Your job is, as usual, get all the test cases to pass. This involves implementing the “Big Three”: Copy Constructor, Overloaded Assignment Operator, and Destructor.

In addition to the regular test cases, there are also “leakTests”. This involves running a utility called valgrind on your code to see whether there are any memory leaks, or other problems involving memory management. You will only pass the tests if your code has proper memory management.

You will submit only the student.cpp and studentRoll.cpp files. As a result, there are two quite annoying things that you’ll just have to put up with:

In certain later assignments, you will be given the freedom to choose whatever data structure or implementation is appropriate. You’ll be able to decide whether to use std::string, or C-strings, whether to use array or std::vectors, etc. This is not one of those assignments.

Suggested way to proceed

I suggest proceeding in the following steps:

  1. Work on each test file for student, getting those tests to pass, i.e. testStudent00.cpp, testStudent01.cpp, etc.
    • To get these to pass, you need to implement, possibly among other things, the Copy Constructor and Overloaded Assignment Operator for Student.
  2. Then, try to get the leak tests to pass as they pertain to Student, i.e.
    • make lts00
    • make lts01
    • make lts02
    • make lts03
    • This will require implementing the destructor for Student
  3. Work on each test file for StudentRoll, getting those tests to pass, i.e. testStudentRoll00.cpp, testStudentRoll01.cpp, etc.
    • To get these to pass, you need to implement, possibly among other things, the Copy Constructor and Overloaded Assignment Operator for StudentRoll
  4. Then, try to get the leak tests for StudentRoll to pass, i.e.
    • make ltsr00
    • make ltsr01
    • make ltsr02
    • This will require implementing the destructor for StudentRoll

How do I know if I’m done?

When you are done, you should be able to do both of the following, and see no error messages:

Step 3: Submitting via Gradescope

The lab assignment “Lab02” should appear in your Gradescope dashboard in CMPSC 32. If you haven’t submitted anything for this assignment yet, Gradescope will prompt you to upload your files.

For this lab, you will need to upload your modified files (i.e. student.cpp and studentRoll.cpp). For this lab you are required to submit your files with your github repo.

If you already submitted something on Gradescope, it will take you to their “Autograder Results” page. There is a “Resubmit” button on the bottom right that will allow you to update the files for your submission.

For this lab, if everything is correct, you’ll see a successful submission passing all of the autograder tests.

Remember to add your partner to Groups Members for this submission on Gradescope if applicable. At this point, if you worked in a pair, it is a good idea for both partners to log into Gradescope and check if you can see the uploaded files for Lab02.