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Lecture 6, Mon 01/28
Midterm 1 Review, Quadratic-Time Sorting cont., Hashing
- NOTE: Use these sample exams as additional practice and anticipation of what kind of questions may be asked on the midterm exam. DO NOT base your studying only on these exams. I expect all students to review the material thoroughly.
- Link to Midterm 1 from F18: F18
- Link to Midterm 1 from S18: S18
- Bring studentID and writing utensil
- No electronic devices
- No notes, no books
- Will be a mix of questions based on lectures, homeworks, readings, and labs.
- Short Answer
- Briefly define, describe, state, ...
- Write code (includes makefiles)
- Fill in the blank / complete the table
- Given code, write the output
- Given a statement, tell me if it's true / false
- if false, briefly state why
- Expect it to take ~ one hour (maybe sooner)
- but we have the entire class period
- Will cover a broad range of topics, but probably not everything
- Will cover everything up to Wednesday's lecture (1/23)
- Know how to create one when multiple files are linked to form an
- Know the build process
- Proprocessing, Compiling, Linking
- Know what the default rules are, flags, special symbols (as discussed in lecture)
Standard Template Library
- Reviewed some details about vectors
- Operations like [], at, front, back, pop_back, push_back, size, constructors, ...
- STL container iterators
- begin(), end(), ++, <, *, erase
Class Design
- Abstract Data Types
- How to design an interface (.h file) and its implementation (.cpp)
- Public vs. Private
- Accessors (getters) vs Mutators (setters)
- Constructors (default, overloaded, copy)
- Header guards
- Scope Resolution operator (::) and .cpp method definitions
- Shallow vs. Deep Copy
- Big Three (Rule of Three): copy constructor, destructor, assignment operator
Structs and Classes
- What are the difference(s)?
- Memory Padding (how they are stored in memory)
- Avoid naming collisions
- How to create namespaces in your code
- Global namespace (how to specifiy using "::")
Binary Search
- Recursive (and iterative (non-recursive)) implementation
- Performance (running time), O-notation
Quadratic Sorting Algorithms
- bubbleSort
- Optimized version
- selectionSort
Insertion Sort
- Similar to sorting cards in a poker hand
- For each item in the array, find where it should “belong” and insert the item in its proper place.
- Before insertion happens, shift all elements in order to to make an empty slot where the item should belong.
- Do this for each element, and by the end of the algorithm, all elements will be in their proper place.
- O(n2) complexity.
- O(n) complexity for elements that are mostly-sorted.
void insertionSort(int a[], size_t size) {
int item;
int shiftIndex;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
item = a[i];
shiftIndex = i - 1;
while (shiftIndex >= 0 && a[shiftIndex] > item) {
a[shiftIndex + 1] = a[shiftIndex];
shiftIndex -= 1;
a[shiftIndex + 1] = item;
int main() {
int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int b[] = {1,10,2,9,3,8,4,7,5,6};
int c[] = {2,9,4,7,6,5,8,3,10,1};
int d[] = {10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1};
int e[] = {1};
insertionSort(a, 10);
cout << "---" << endl;
insertionSort(b, 10);
cout << "---" << endl;
cout << "---" << endl;
cout << "---" << endl;
- The ability to address unique key values in an array whose size may be smaller than the set of possible key values.
- Generally, keys are unique values that identify some record of information.
- In order to put data (value) in the appropriate place in the collection, a hash function is required.
- The hash function outputs a position in the collection based on the key value
- Hash function outputs should be uniformly distributed
- Or else all data would try to be stored in the same index.
- For example, if you have array of 100 elements, a simple hash function could be:
- key % 100 = [0-99]
- In order to put data (value) in the appropriate place in the collection, a hash function is required.
- Hashing is very efficient for searching for data in an array.
- Recall binary search: O(log n) search time (if elements are sorted).
- Linear search: O(n) search time.
- Hash Table search: O(1) average search time in unsorted order.
- Hash Table searching provides instant access to an element in an array since the hash function computes the index where the data is stored.
- It’s possible that two elements may be indexed to the same location.
- This is known as collisions
Open-address Hashing
- Collisions are resolved by placing the item in the next open spot in the array.
- For example, if a record is hashed to position i and data already exists in that index, then check the next available spot i+1, i+2, etc.
- Known as linear probing
- What is a problem with this mechanism?
- Delayed Insertion – inserting an item in a crowded hash table takes time since it must look for an empty spot.
- Elements are inserted farther away from their actual hashed index.
- Clustering – When different keys are hashed to the same index, there may be groups of data records grouped in the same place.
- Delayed Insertion – inserting an item in a crowded hash table takes time since it must look for an empty spot.
Double Hashing
- Technique that uses a 2nd hash function when resolving a collision.
- If a hash function index results in a collision, then use the 2nd hash function to determine how far to step in the array to look for an empty slot.
- Helps reduce the clustering effect.
- Problems
- If hash2 function is large, there is a possibility that we will go out of bounds.
- Depending on the table size and hash2, it is possible that the index won’t be uniformly distributed.
Chained Hashing
- The biggest problem to open-address hashing is
- If the table is full, no more elements can be added.
- Similar to a vector, it could expand the capacity “under-the-hood” when needed, but…
- All elements will probably have to be rehashed
- New capacity shouldn’t be wasteful (too big) or too small
- Chained hashing (chaining)
- If a collision occurs, then we store a series of data records in a list that the index in the hash table references.
- Linked Lists are a common collection to store collided data records.