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Lecture 8, Thu 04/23

Testing, Midterm 1 Review


Complete Test

Unit Testing

Test Suite

Example: Writing our own simple program using tddFuncs, which tests a function that takes four integers and returns the largest

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "tddFuncs.h"

using namespace std;

int biggest (int a, int b, int c, int d) {
	int biggest = 0;
	if (a >= b && a >= c && a >= d)
		return a;
	if (b >= a && b >= c && b >= d)
		return b;
	if (c >= a && c >= b && c >= d)
		return c;
	return d;

int isPositive(int a) {
	return a >= 0;

int main() {
	ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(1,2,3,4));
	ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(1,2,4,3));
	ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(1,4,2,3));
	ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(4,1,2,3));

	ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(4,4,4,4));
	ASSERT_EQUALS(-1, biggest(-1,-2,-3,-4));
	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, biggest(-1,0,-3,-4));


	return 0;

Test-Driven Development

Midterm Review

- Format:	take-home exam
- Duration: 	48 hrs
- Tasks:	Few programming assignments

- 48 hrs
- Start: Monday 4/27 12PM PT
- End: Wednesday 4/29 12PM PT

No lecture on Tuesday (4/28)

- Will cover everything up to this Tuesday's lecture (4/21)

- Know how to create a Makefile when multiple files are
linked to form an executable
- Know the build process
    - Preprocessor, Compilation, Linker
- Creating and using variables in Makefiles
- Know special characters like $@ and $^
- Know the default rules, flags for compilation, ...

Standard Template Library 
- Reviewed some details about vectors
- Operators like [], .at, front, back, push_back, size, constructors, ...
- Iterators
    - std::vectors, map, set (unordered_map, unordered_set)
    - .begin(), .end(), ++, <, *, !=, ...
- Using iterators

Class Design
- Abstract Data Types
- How to design an interface (.h) and its implementation (.cpp)
- public vs. private
- Accessors (getters) vs. Mutators (setters)
- Constructors (default, overloaded, copy)
- Header guards
- Scope Resolution Operator (::) and .cpp method definitions
- Shallow vs. Deep copy
- Big Three: Copy constructor, destructor, assignment operator

Structs and Classes
- What are the difference(s)
- Memory padding (how are things stored in memory, what's the size,
what's the benefit)

- Avoid naming collisions
- How to create namespaces
- How to use namespaces
- Global namespace

Quadratic Sorting Algorithms
- Bubblesort (optimized)
- selectionsort
- insertionsort
- Know the algorithms discussed in lecture
- Know the running times in various cases

Hash Table Topics
- Know the basics of hash functions and performance of various
- open-address hashing / double-hashing / chained-hashing
- std::map vs std::unordered_map (and sets)
    - Understand underlying data structures being used for each
    - Note, that hash tables are used when implementing sets, but
    sets do not have a corresponding value for each key
- Performance of various operations

Mergesort / Quicksort
- Know the algorithms and how to implement them
- Understand main ideas and how the array is manipulated as the
algorithm executes
- Know the runtime analysis (best / avg / worst) and space