sample exams

Exams from previous offerings of CS32


CAUTION! These exams were based on an offering of CS32 that may be very different from the one you may be taking now!

The exams linked to here are offered to help you study and prepare for your own exams. However, you should recognize their limitations:

  • Each time the course is taught, even by the same instructor, the exact coverage, pace, and placement of exams may vary.
    • Sometimes topics are covered in a different order
    • Sometimes exams come earlier, or later in the quarter
  • There may be things on some of the exams that you are not responsible for knowing, and there may be things you are responsible for knowing that are not on these exams.
    • While some topics are core to CS32, and always covered, some topics are “helpful” but not “core”.
    • Nevertheless, some of those topics may appear on exams from other quarters, even though they are not covered in your course.
    • Conversely, there may be topics that show up on your exams that do not appear on any of the practice exams here.

Finally, these disclaimers:

    • If an exam is available, it will posted here.
    • If an answer key is available, it will be posted here.
    • If a particular quarter’s exam is not available, or an answer key is not available, don’t ask.
    • If if were available, it would already be posted.
    • The maintainers of this web site reserve the right to ignore requests for exams or answer keys that are not already posted here (unless those requests come from UCSB CS department faculty.)

Ok, now the exams: