Lecture 6, Tue 10/15
- The ability to address unique key values in an array whose size may be smaller than the set of possible key values.
- Generally, keys are unique values that identify some record of information.
- In order to put data (value) in the appropriate place in the collection, a hash function is required.
- The hash function outputs a position in the collection based on the key value
- Hash function outputs should be uniformly distributed
- Or else all data would try to be stored in the same index.
- For example, if you have array of 100 elements, a simple hash function could be:

- Hashing is very efficient for searching for data in an array.
- Recall binary search: O(log n) search time (if elements are sorted).
- Linear search: O(n) search time.
- Hash Table search: O(1) average search time in unsorted order.
- Hash Table searching provides instant access to an element in an array since the hash function computes the index where the data is stored.
- It’s possible that two elements may be indexed to the same location.
- This is known as collisions
Open-address Hashing
- Collisions are resolved by placing the item in the next open spot in the array.
- For example, if a record is hashed to position i and data already exists in that index, then check the next available spot i+1, i+2, etc.
- Known as linear probing
- What is a problem with this mechanism?
- Delayed Insertion – inserting an item in a crowded hash table takes time since it must look for an empty spot.
- Elements are inserted farther away from their actual hashed index.
- Clustering – When different keys are hashed to the same index, there may be groups of data records grouped in the same place.

Double Hashing
- Technique that uses a 2nd hash function when resolving a collision.
- If a hash function index results in a collision, then use the 2nd hash function to determine how far to step in the array to look for an empty slot.
- Helps reduce the clustering effect.
- Problems
- If hash2 function is large, there is a possibility that we will go out of bounds.
- Depending on the table size and hash2, it is possible that the index won’t be uniformly distributed.

Chained Hashing
- The biggest problem to open-address hashing is
- If the table is full, no more elements can be added.
- Similar to a vector, it could expand the capacity “under-the-hood” when needed, but…
- All elements will probably have to be rehashed
- New capacity shouldn’t be wasteful (too big) or too small
- Chained hashing (chaining)
- If a collision occurs, then we store a series of data records in a list that the index in the hash table references.
- Linked Lists are a common collection to store collided data records.

vs std::unordered_map
- The underlying structure of an std::map is implemented with a balanced tree structure.
- Useful if you care about the ordering of keys.
is used similarly to std::map, but the std::unordered_map
is implemented with hash tables.
- Notice the
’s key / value pairs are not printed in sorted order by keys, but std::map
’s keys are.
- Hash Tables have a better average case performance (O(1)), but data order is not guaranteed when traversing the structure with iterators.
unordered_map |
map |
Average |
Worst-Case |
Average |
Worst-Case |
Lookup |
O(1) |
O(n) |
O(log n) |
O(log n) |
Deletion |
O(1) |
O(n) |
O(log n) |
O(log n) |